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2021 Community Impact Grantee

Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center

In November of 2021, the Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center (TCHCC) was awarded the Community Impact Grant from Fayette Community Foundation. This grant helped complete phase one of restoring the Sanford Schmid Amphitheater.

Phase one for improving and restoring the Sanford Schmid Amphitheater included replacing the roof and new A/C units in the dressing rooms. With the Community Impact Grant, TCHCC was able to purchase new A/C units for the dressing rooms. Since the previous units were no longer working and failing, purchasing new A/C units allowed TCHCC to keep the dressing rooms climate-controlled and provide comfort to the local organizations utilizing the space to prepare accordingly.

TCHCC was incorporated on March 24, 1997, and received 501(c)3 status in July of the same year. The location for this nonprofit corporation was finalized when a lease was signed with the City of La Grange in November 1997. In 1995, statewide efforts began by Czech-founded organizations to raise money in an effort to develop a Center that would preserve and promote the history, heritage, and culture of the people of Czech ethnicity.

Nestled in a cove on a high hill overlooking the Colorado River, the Sanford Schmid Amphitheater is the first outdoor performance facility built on the Lower Colorado River. The 5,500 square-foot facility features a Texas-Czech style and includes an open stage, stadium seating for 400, dressing/meeting rooms, restrooms, and two prop storage areas. Thanks to an initial grant by the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) and a matching grant by La Grange resident Sanford Schmid, the amphitheater was built in 2000.

Mark Hermes, TCHCC Manager, said, “Over the years, it has been used by many different organizations but now with the Fayette County Community Theatre using it for their productions, we really appreciate how they bring out so many [people] in the community and the surrounding area.”

Heather Barthelme, Operations Manager, with the Fayette County Community Theatre said “We are so happy TCHCC was able to make these improvements at the Amphitheater. Of course, we are glad to benefit as we used the space just after installation for our play in May. When one Nonprofit wins, we all win!”

About Fayette Community Foundation

For over twenty years, Fayette Community Foundation has facilitated the local philanthropy of generous individuals and caring organizations to protect and enhance the community in which we live, work, play, and pray. FCF works with generous community members year-round to offer several types of funds that directly support charitable nonprofit organizations serving an 80-mile radius from La Grange, TX. FCF is working to grow its Community Impact Fund, an unrestricted endowment that is invested and continues to increase annually. Each year, a portion of the income earned by the Community Impact Fund is granted to fund local projects and programs that are enhancing the quality of life for all members of Fayette County and the surrounding rural areas. The principal - and your gift - remains intact and grows forever. This makes your donation a gift that continues to create solutions for generations and helps build the community of our dreams! This is philanthropy in its broadest and smartest form.



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